Category: Industry Applications

Learn more about Sentry Air System’s influence in different applications, such as: Welding, Soldering, Laboratories, and much more.

Benefits of Mist Collectors

Benefits of Mist Collectors

  Benefits of mist collectors include reducing maintenance and downtime, as well as safeguarding overall shop safety and employee health for CNC machine shops. Government organizations, such as OSHA, legally require employers to meet exposure limits. Machining, milling, and grinding processes produce oil mist when metalworking fluids come in contact with tooling components and become… Learn More

Hazards of Welding Fumes

Welding produces hazardous fumes that must be controlled to safeguard employee respiratory and overall health. Welding exposes metals to high levels of heat creating gaseous fumes and nano-particles. The hazards of welding fumes depend on the contents of the metal, the type of welding process, and the frequency of welding. Fume extractors must be utilized… Learn More

IV Bag Preparation Best Practices Utilizing ISO Class 5 Laminar Flow Hoods

IV Bag Preparation

Medical professionals and naturopathic/holistic doctors have utilized IV vitamin/nutrient therapies for many years as a more natural approach to treating chronic conditions in patients. As opposed to oral medications or supplements that travel through the body’s digestive system, whereby diminishing absorption capabilities, IV therapy delivers optimal levels of the necessary vitamins/supplements directly to the bloodstream;… Learn More

Particulate Control for Eyeglass Lens Production

Eyeglass Lens Particulate Control

Reflective surfaces have been used to magnify and enhance vision since the early 1200s with the discovery of the magnifying glass made of quartz and beryl lenses1. Glasses were introduced to the general public by Alessandro di Spina. Due to high demand, quartz and beryl lenses were quickly replaced with glass. Modern day eyeglass lens… Learn More

Fume & Particulate Control for Forensics 3D Printing

Forensics 3D Printing In recent years, forensics 3D printing has increased usage in the forensics and law enforcement fields due to more economically-priced printers, lasers, and scanners. Additionally, the seemingly infinite printing possibilities and uses in these fields have led to greater adoption of this technology. Historically, law enforcement and court officials have relied heavily… Learn More

Mycology Culture Sampling & Testing

Ductless Fume hood and Portable Clean room Mycology

Mycology, a branch of biology, focuses on the study of fungi. Heinrich Anton de Bary, a research botanist from Germany in the 1800s, is credited for his ground-breaking research on fungi-related plant diseases, which laid the foundation for modern mycology and plant pathology. The field of mycology is vast and includes a wide array of… Learn More

Taxidermy Fume Control

Taxidermy, the artistic and scientific process of preserving animals’ bodies, utilizes a wide variety of chemicals that can have lasting health effects if not used properly. Taxidermy procedures vary depending on the taxidermist’s preferences, type of animal, and the type of preservation but all types must take proper precautions with fume control to ensure safety…. Learn More

What are Mist Collectors?

Mist collectors filter the air in machine shops in order to remove harmful oil mist from CNC machines, milling and grinding processes. These systems are commonly used for CNC machine shops to eliminate oil mist. However, they can also be used to collect and filter systems with coolant mist, water mist or other oil mist…. Learn More

What is USP 800?

Is your pharmaceutical compounding facility ready for USP 800? The USP 800 is a newly implemented regulation designed to promote patient health, worker safety, and address environment concerns. USP 800 applies to all pharmacies, hospitals, patient treatment centers, patient treatment clinics, physician practice facilities, surgical centers, veterinarians, home health centers, and skilled nursing facilities that… Learn More

Toxicity of methyl methacrylate in dentistry

Initially, denture teeth were made of ceramic material. With the advent of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) in the 1940s, a new material was introduced for the fabrication of denture teeth. Denture teeth are currently made of either methacrylate-based resins (acrylic resin) or ceramics. Loss of teeth, which may be due to trauma, dental diseases, pathology, or… Learn More